Sunday, September 16, 2012

++ cOOkiNg ++

i finally find my tune of cooking.
kalau seblom ni ketor lutut nak masak utk tetamu..
now ketor sikit sikit je.

finally i understand the term that my mum used to use...
"agak agak je garam/gula etc"
last time i was so angry when she gave me such answers.nak agak camne?blur gile tau.haaaha.
tp skrg phm dah.
tgok bende nak masak n boleh agak agak bahan tu.

d happiest persons would be Z n Zareef.
i can even cook my mil's signature dish.
ayam rendang semarang.
masak lauk tu sejenis cukup dah.
mmg habes seperiuk nasik.
Z kate 2 rumah je boleh jumpa lauk ni.
his mum's house n ours.
kembang idong sat.

last week eira,her husband n little harraz spent d weekend at our house.
dtg mlm sabtu n tido smpi ahad.
so i did d cooking for dinner.
d next morning i fried my signature delicious popia n eira goreng nasik for breakfast.
oklah.boleh lah nak jamu...hihi..

this weekend..
z's family is spending their weekend at our house.
smlm masak gulai semarang, ayam goreng, syur buncis udang,telur dadar gebu n sambal belacan berasap.
pagi tadi buat mee sanggul.
licin abes sume..

i think i must sharpen my skills lagi.
sbb bile masak utk quantity yg byk,
hati ade goyang sket.

but then with d bz schedule,
weekdays mmg ikut mood je nak masak.


1 comment:

Mira3dora said...

skill memasak mira pon tah hape2 je. haha skang ni mane bekesempatan sgt nak masak kt umah wuwuwuuw