Friday, March 23, 2012

++ ZaReeF 's MiLeStoNeS ++

Zareef turned 1 almost a month ago.
a week after his birthday,
he was very crancky.
it was really testing my patience.
d semeseter was just started n lots of things to cope with.
i know i wasnt the best mother.
but im trying really hard.
i always remind myself that Zareef is still small.
he cant differentiate d rights n d wrongs.
i am d one who have to b matured.
i didnt realize how Zareef has grown up so fast.
he is very good at messing with my clothes.
a minute i leave him in d room,
all of my clothes are scattered on d floor n bed.
that will be his favourite game!
he will be very busy going trough all of my makeup stuffs in d drawers.
separating them into different places.
i put all of my skinfood products on d top shelf of my dressing table.
i feel safe.
but yesterday Zareef climbed on d dressing table to reach the stuffs!
not to mention,
he loves playing with the kitchen utensils!
dont be surprised that u will be able to see my frying pan
n tupperwares all over d place!
sangat letih mengemas rumaahhhhh!
Zareef akan sepahkan 1 spot,
then he will go to other spot utk sepahkan tempat tu pulak.
tempat yg da sepah die x kan main dah.
bila mama kemas,
dia akan sepah kan balik!
game apekah itu?
then i told myself that i shouldnt worried too much
whether d house is ok or not.
Zareef is growing up so i should give him d space that he needs.
even it seems that he needs all the spaces/rooms in d house.
nak g makan.
pampering myself with good food!
i never feel guilty of eating a lot sbb memang x pernah gemuk.

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